
Israel Pérez Chávez

Born in Havana, Cuba, Israel moved to Spain and graduated in Biology from the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid in 2018. During his bachelor thesis, he did his research on antagonizing retinoic acid nuclear receptor beta (RAR-β) to reduce the dosage of cisplatin in prostate cancer. He then moved to Brussels, where he did a MSc. degree in Molecular and Cellular Life Sciences at Vrije Universiteit Brussel. In July 2019, for his Master thesis, he joined the Messens lab, and, in August 2020, he started there his PhD developing a glycolytic biosensor for determining the glycolytic flux in cancer cells. Currently, he is doing a joint PhD between the Joris Messens Lab and the Esteban Gurzov Lab at ULB, for assessing glycolytic flux in liver cancer and unraveling the hepatocarcinogenic process.

VUB | VIB | de Duve Institute

Copyright 2017