
Patrick Willems graduated in 2013 as a Master of Science in Biochemistry and Biotechnology from the University of Ghent, specializing in Bio-Informatics and System Biology combined with Plant Biotechnology. He performed his master dissertation in the research group of Vaughan Hurry's lab in UmeƄ, adressing the topic of cold perception in Arabidopsis. Afterwards joined the Oxidative Stress Signaling group of Frank Van Breusegem and obtained his doctoral degree in 2018. After being active as a post-doctoral scientist under Petra Van Damme, studying unannotated proteins in Salmonella enterica, he is currently active in the Oxidative Stress Signaling group to elucidate the role of post-translational modifications in oxidative stress signaling.

VUB | VIB | de Duve Institute

Copyright 2017