
Brussels Center for Redox Biology





In the Picture

2014: Detecting envelope stress by monitoring β-Barrel Assembly in the journal Cell

RcsF Activates the Rcs System via IgaA

Detecting Envelope Stress by Monitoring β-Barrel Assembly.

Cho SH, Szewczyk J, Pesavento C, Zietek M, Banzhaf M, Roszczenko P, Asmar A, Laloux G, Hov AK, Leverrier P, Van der Henst C, Vertommen D, Typas A, Collet JF.

Cell. 2014 Dec 18;159(7):1652-64.

The mechanism of reversible protein S-mycothiolation in Mycobacteria unraveled

2012,  Wiley-Blackwell

Mycoredoxin-1 is one of the missing links in the oxidative stress defence mechanism of Mycobacteria. Van Laer, K., Buts, L., Foloppe, N., Vertommen, D., Van Belle, K., Wahni, K., Roos, G., Nilsson, L., Mateos, L. M., Rawat, M., Van Nuland, N. A. and Messens, J. (2012)  Mol Microbiol 86: 787-804.

Bacterial mechanisms of reversible protein S-thiolation: structural and mechanistic insights into mycoredoxins. Antelmann, H. and Hamilton, C. J. (2012). Mol Microbiol. 86: 759-764

A periplasmic reducing system protects single cysteine residues from oxidation.

Depuydt M, Leonard SE, Vertommen D, Denoncin K, Morsomme P, Wahni K, Messens J, Carroll KS, Collet JF.  Science. 2009 Nov 20;326(5956):1109-11.

2015: Repairing oxidized proteins in the bacterial envelope in the journal Nature

Repairing oxidized proteins in the bacterial envelope using respiratory chain electrons.

Gennaris A, Ezraty B, Henry C, Agrebi R, Vergnes A, Oheix E, Bos J, Leverrier P, Espinosa L, Szewczyk J, Vertommen D, Iranzo O, Collet JF, Barras F.

Nature. 2015 Dec 17;528(7582):409-12.


Press release


Press release

2012: Missing link in defence mechanism

of Mycobacterium

2009: New antioxidant system in

the journal Science


Press release


Press release

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